


Albania - Phone Numbers
Telephone numbers in Albania

List of area codes in Albania.

Albania Country Code : +355
Albania International Call Prefix : 00
0 - For domestic calls (within the country), 0 must be dialed before the area code. The prefix for international calls from Albania is 00 (e.g. for an United States number 00 1 ... should be dialed). Below is an explanation when dialing a Tirana number:

2xxx xxx (from within Tirana)
04 2xxx xxx (from within Albania)
+355 4 2xxx xxx (from outside Albania)
History - Albania has the lowest rate of telephone use per capita in Europe with roughly 10 lines per 100 people as of 2008 ITU statistics. As a result, cellular phone use is very common throughout the country. The numbering plan has constantly evolved during the last 30 years. Tirana has passed to a seven digit plan as of 2008 from a four digit plan in the communist period by gradually adding one digit.
New Numbering Plan and Addition of Digit "2" - As of March 2008, a new numbering plan was introduced in an effort to improve the quality of the service and increase fixed phone use in Albania. The old plan stayed in effect in parallel to the new until 15 September 2008.

The new numbering plan introduces a new digit, represented by the number 2 that is put in front of local telephone numbers country-wide. For example, to dial a Tirana number with the old plan, it would have looked like XXX XXX . With the new plan, the digit 2 is added to form 2XXX XXX . The old plan is defunct and not longer in operation.

Additionally, changes include the replacement of the Municipality of Laç's calling code with the new 53 code.

Numbering plan by District (effective 15 September 2008)
Municipality - Code
Shkodër - 22
Vau-Dejës - 261
Koplik - 211
Bajram Curri - 213
Pukë - 212
Fushë-Arrëz - 271
Kukës - 24
Krumë - 214
Lezhë - 215
Rrëshen - 216
Rubik - 284
Burrel - 217
Klos - 287
Peshkopi - 218
Bulqizë - 219
Berat - 32
Ura Vajgurore - 361
Kuçovë - 311
Çorovodë - 312
Poliçan - 368
Lushnje - 35
Divjakë - 371
Fier - 34
Patos - 381
Roskovec - 382
Ballsh - 313
Vlorë - 33
Orikum - 391
Selenicë - 392
Himarë - 393
Tirana - 4
Kamëz - 47
Vorë - 47
Laç - 53
Mamurras - 561
Kruje - 511
Fushë-Krujë - 563
Durrës - 52
Shijak - 571
Manëz - 572
Sukth - 573
Kavajë - 55
Rrogozhinë - 577
Peqin - 512
Elbasan - 54
Cërrik - 581
Belsh - 582
Gramsh - 513
Librazhd - 514
Përrenjas - 591
Pogradec - 83
Korçë - 82
Maliq - 861
Bilisht - 811
Ersekë - 812
Leskovik - 871
Përmet - 813
Këlcyrë - 875
Tepelenë - 814
Memaliaj - 885
Gjirokastër - 84
Libohovë - 881
Sarandë - 85
Konispol - 891
Delvinë - 815
Mobile phone codes : Operator - Code -
Eagle Mobile - 67
AMC - 68
Vodafone Albania - 69
Telephone Numbers in Albania
ERT Numbering Plan of Albania
Telephone numbers in Albania General Information and Updated References
Albania Telephones (+355)
Telephone numbers in Albania

This is a list of area codes in Albania.

Country Code : +355

International Call Prefix : 00

For domestic calls (within the country), 0 must be dialed before the area code. The prefix for international calls from Albania is 00 (e.g. for an United States number 00 1 ... should be dialed). Below is an explanation when dialing a Tirana number:

 2xxx xxx (from within Tirana)
 04 2xxx xxx (from within Albania)
+355 4 2xxx xxx (from outside Albania)

Albania has the lowest rate of telephone use per capita in Europe with roughly 10 lines per 100 people as of 2008 ITU statistics. As a result, cellular phone use is very common throughout the country. The numbering plan has constantly evolved during the last 30 years. Tirana has passed to a seven digit plan as of 2008 from a four digit plan in the communist period by gradually adding one digit.

New Numbering Plan and Addition of Digit "2"

As of March 2008, a new numbering plan was introduced in an effort to improve the quality of the service and increase fixed phone use in Albania. The old plan stayed in effect in parallel to the new until 15 September 2008.

Numbering plan by District (effective 15 September 2008) Municipality

Mobile phone codes
Operator - Code
ERT Numbering Plan of Albania
Albania City Codes
Babicë - 394
Bajram Curri - 213
Bajzë - 211
Ballsh - 313
Berat - 32
Bilisht - 811
Bulqizë - 219
Burrel - 217
Cakran - 387
Çërrik - 581
Çorovodë - 312
Delvinë - 815
Divjakë - 371
Durrës - 52
Elbasan - 545
Ersekë - 812
Fier - 34
Fushë-Krujë - 563
Gjirokastër - 84
Gramsh - 513
Himarë - 393
Kavajë - 554
Koplik - 211
Korçë - 82
Krujë - 511
Krumë - 214
Ksamil - 893
Kuçovë - 311
Kukës - 242
Laç - 53
Levan - 388
Lezhë - 215
Libohovë - 881
Librazhd - 514
Lushnjë - 35
Maliq - 861
Mamurras - 561
Memaliaj - 885
Mobile - 68
Orikum - 391
Patos - 342
Peqin - 512
Përmet - 813
Përrenjas - 591
Peshkopi - 218
Pogradec - 832
Poliçan - 368
Pukë - 212
Rrëshen - 216
Rrogozhinë - 577
Sarandë - 852
Selenicë - 392
Shijak - 571
Shkodër - 22
Tepelenë - 814
Tiranë - 4
Tropojë - 213
Ura Vajgurore - 361
Vlorë - 33
Vodafone - 69
Capital of Albania Tirana
Albania Electrical Outlet 220 V,50 Hz - Type C / Type F
Albania Phone Jack Russian / Greek
Albania Languages Albanian (official - derived from Tosk dialect), Greek, Vlach, Romani, Slavic dialects
Albania Currency Lek (ALL)
Albania Population 3,639,453 (129 of 237)
Albania Area, Sq. Km. Total: 28,748 (145 of 237)
Land: 27 Water: 1
Albania GDP (US$) $21,810,000,000 (116 of 237)
Telephones 353,600 (107 of 237)
Mobile Phones 2,300,000 (106 of 237)
Internet Hosts 10,162 (108 of 237)
Internet Users 471,200 (101 of 237)
What's the time in Albania Zone now? Central European Standard Time = GMT+1 Central European Summer Time = GMT+2
What time zone is Albania in? Albania is located in the Central European Time Zone (CET) The Central European Standard Time (CET) is 1 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+1).
Summer Time: Albania, like most states in Europe, observe the Daylight Saving in Summer Time. The time is shifted forward by 1 hour to GMT+2.
Albania general assessment: despite new investment in fixed lines teledensity remains low with roughly 10 fixed lines per 100 people; mobile-cellular telephone use is widespread and generally effective; combined fixed-line and mobile-cellular teledensity is approaching 100 per 100 persons
domestic: offsetting the shortage of fixed line capacity, mobile-cellular phone service has been available since 1996; by 2003, two companies were providing mobile services at a greater teledensity than some of Albania's neighbors; Internet broadband services initiated in 2005; Internet cafes are popular in Tirana and have started to spread outside the capital
international: country code - 355; submarine cable provides connectivity to Italy, Croatia, and Greece; the Trans-Balkan Line, a combination submarine cable and land fiber-optic system, provides additional connectivity to Bulgaria, Macedonia, and Turkey; international traffic carried by fiber-optic cable and, when necessary, by microwave radio relay from the Tirana exchange to Italy and Greece (2008)
Definition: This entry includes a brief general assessment of the system with details on the domestic and international components. The following terms and abbreviations are used throughout the entry:
Arabsat - Arab Satellite Communications Organization (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia).
Autodin - Automatic Digital Network (US Department of Defense).
CB - citizen's band mobile radio communications.
Cellular telephone system - the telephones in this system are radio transceivers, with each instrument having its own private radio frequency and sufficient radiated power to reach the booster station in its area (cell), from which the telephone signal is fed to a telephone exchange.
Central American Microwave System - a trunk microwave radio relay system that links the countries of Central America and Mexico with each other.
Coaxial cable - a multichannel communication cable consisting of a central conducting wire, surrounded by and insulated from a cylindrical conducting shell; a large number of telephone channels can be made available within the insulated space by the use of a large number of carrier frequencies.
Comsat - Communications Satellite Corporation (US).
DSN - Defense Switched Network (formerly Automatic Voice Network or Autovon); basic general-purpose, switched voice network of the Defense Communications System (US Department of Defense).
Eutelsat - European Telecommunications Satellite Organization (Paris).
Fiber-optic cable - a multichannel communications cable using a thread of optical glass fibers as a transmission medium in which the signal (voice, video, etc.) is in the form of a coded pulse of light.
GSM - a global system for mobile (cellular) communications devised by the Groupe Special Mobile of the pan-European standardization organization, Conference Europeanne des Posts et Telecommunications (CEPT) in 1982.
HF - high frequency; any radio frequency in the 3,000- to 30,000-kHz range.
Inmarsat - International Maritime Satellite Organization (London); provider of global mobile satellite communications for commercial, distress, and safety apps, games, at sea, in the air, and on land.
Intelsat - International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (Washington, DC).
Intersputnik - International Organization of Space Communications (Moscow); first established in the former Soviet Union and the East European countries, it is now marketing its services worldwide with earth stations in North America, Africa, and East Asia.
Landline - communication wire or cable of any sort that is installed on poles or buried in the ground.
Marecs - Maritime European Communications Satellite used in the Inmarsat system on lease from the European Space Agency.
Marisat - satellites of the Comsat Corporation that participate in the Inmarsat system.
Medarabtel - the Middle East Telecommunications Project of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) providing a modern telecommunications network, primarily by microwave radio relay, linking Algeria, Djibouti, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, and Yemen; it was initially started in Morocco in 1970 by the Arab Telecommunications Union (ATU) and was known at that time as the Middle East Mediterranean Telecommunications Network.
Microwave radio relay - transmission of long distance telephone calls and television programs by highly directional radio microwaves that are received and sent on from one booster station to another on an optical path.
NMT - Nordic Mobile Telephone; an analog cellular telephone system that was developed jointly by the national telecommunications authorities of the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden).
Orbita - a Russian television service; also the trade name of a packet-switched digital telephone network.
Radiotelephone communications - the two-way transmission and reception of sounds by broadcast radio on authorized frequencies using telephone handsets.
PanAmSat - PanAmSat Corporation (Greenwich, CT).
SAFE - South African Far East Cable
Satellite communication system - a communication system consisting of two or more earth stations and at least one satellite that provide long distance transmission of voice, data, and television; the system usually serves as a trunk connection between telephone exchanges; if the earth stations are in the same country, it is a domestic system.
Satellite earth station - a communications facility with a microwave radio transmitting and receiving antenna and required receiving and transmitting equipment for communicating with satellites.
Satellite link - a radio connection between a satellite and an earth station permitting communication between them, either one-way (down link from satellite to earth station - television receive-only transmission) or two-way (telephone channels).
SHF - super high frequency; any radio frequency in the 3,000- to 30,000-MHz range.
Shortwave - radio frequencies (from 1.605 to 30 MHz) that fall above the commercial broadcast band and are used for communication over long distances.
Solidaridad - geosynchronous satellites in Mexico's system of international telecommunications in the Western Hemisphere.
Statsionar - Russia's geostationary system for satellite telecommunications.
Submarine cable - a cable designed for service under water.
TAT - Trans-Atlantic Telephone; any of a number of high-capacity submarine coaxial telephone cables linking Europe with North America.
Telefax - facsimile service between subscriber stations via the public switched telephone network or the international Datel network.
Telegraph - a telecommunications system designed for unmodulated electric impulse transmission.
Telex - a communication service involving teletypewriters connected by wire through automatic exchanges.
Tropospheric scatter - a form of microwave radio transmission in which the troposphere is used to scatter and reflect a fraction of the incident radio waves back to earth; powerful, highly directional antennas are used to transmit and receive the microwave signals; reliable over-the-horizon communications are realized for distances up to 600 miles in a single hop; additional hops can extend the range of this system for very long distances. Trunk network - a network of switching centers, connected by multichannel trunk lines.
UHF - ultra high frequency; any radio frequency in the 300- to 3,000-MHz range.
VHF - very high frequency; any radio frequency in the 30- to 300-MHz range.

Cell Phones in Albania

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Phones in Albania  -
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Samsung in Albania  - - Models: Samsung Galaxy Z Flip, Fold, S23, A22, Edge, Plus, Mini, Note and other devices. The Samsung S23 Ultra is the new smartphone with a screen of 6,8 inches and 5 cameras, 200 MP wide + 12 MP ultrawide + 10 MP periscope telephoto 10x + 10 MP telephoto 3x + 12 MP front selfie camera. Includes 12 G of internal RAM memory and options with 256, 512 GB or 1 TB of storage. The 5000 mAh battery with fast charge and wireless power share technology.
iPhone in Albania  - - Apple. iPhone models : Plus, Pro, Max. - The iPhone 14 Pro Max display is 6.7 inches with a resolution of 2778 x 1284 pixels at 460 ppi. The operating system iOS 16. Includes 4 cameras, the main rear camera is 48MP + 12MP ultra wide + 12MP and a 12MP front camera with automatic focus. With 6GB of RAM Memory and Storage options with 256, 512 and 1 TB. Chip CPU A16 Bionic Hexa-core. Battery 4,323 mAh Li-Po with fast and Qi wireless charging.
Motorola in Albania  - - Moto - Models One Fusion Plus, G 5G Plus, Edge, RAZR, X Force, G9, G8, Droid. The Motorola Edge is a mobile phone wita display of 6.70 inches, a Qualcomm Snapdragon 765 processor of eight nucleus, and 4GB of RAM. Includes 3 cameras with 64 + 16 + 8 megapixels. The front camera is 25 megapixels, with f / 2.0. The 128 GB internal storage, can be increased with a microSD card (up to 1000 GB). IP54 protection against dust and water resistant. Runs with Android 10. The 4500 mAh battery accepts fast charge.
Xiaomi in Albania  - - Redmi, Note, Mi, Mi Max - The Xiaomi Mi 11 screen is 6.81 inches with a resolution of 1440 x 3200 pixels, the processor is a Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 with eight nucleus and 8GB of RAM. The operating system is with Android 11 OS. The 4.600 mAh battery with wireless and fast charge.
Huawei in Albania  - - P, Mate - The Huawei Mate 40 Pro Plus screen is 6.76 inches, the processor is a Hisilicon Kirin 9000 5G, with 12 GB RAM and a internal storage of 256 GB. Includes 5 cameras: 50+12+8+20+TOF 3D megapixels and runs Android 10.
Honor in Albania  - - Honor 50 smartphone screen is 6,57 inches (2340 x 1080), processor qualcomm snapdragon 778G, front camera 32mp and 4 cameras 108mp + 8mp + 2mp + 2mp, memory RAM 8 GB, storage 128 GB, battery 4300 mAh, Android 11 Operating System
Oppo in Albania  - - Oppo Find X3 Pro screen is 6,70 inches (1440 x 3216), cameras 50MP + 50MP + 13MP + 5MP + front : 32MP, memory RAM 12 GB, storage 256 GB, processor qualcomm snapdragon 888, battery 4500 mAh, android 11
OnePlus in Albania  - - The OnePlus 8T screen is 6.55 " (2400 x 1080 20: 9 120Hz AMOLED) - Processor: Snapdragon 865, RAM 12 GB Memory, Storage 256GB, Cameras 48MP f.1.7, Ultra-wide: 16MP f 2.2. Macro 5 MP + front 16MP f 2.4. Runs oxygen os 11 (Android 11) Operating System. The 4.500 mAh battery, 5G, Bluetooth 5.1, NFC, Dual SIM, stereo speakers Dolby Atmos, Dimensions 160,7 x 74,1 x 8,4 mm, 188 gr
LG in Albania  - - LG G - LG Velvet 2 screens of 6.80 inches. The processor is a Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 of eight nucleus. Internal Memory 6GB RAM. Runs with Android 10 OS. The 4300 mAh battery can be charged with the Quick Charge 4+ or wireless.
HTC in Albania - Ultra, Desire, One - The HTC U12 Plus screen is 6,00 inches with a resolution of 1440x2880 pixels, and a Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 octa-core of 2,8 GHz processor with 6GB of RAM. Runs Android 8.0 and the battery is 3500 mAh. The back camera is 12 Ultrapixels and 8 megapixels selfie front camera.
Sony in Albania  - - Sony Xperia L 4G LTE and 5G - Sony Xperia L4 is a smartphone with a 6.20 inches screen with a resolution of 720x1680 pixels. The processor is a MediaTek Helio P22 (MT6762) of eight nucleus with 3GB of internal RAM. Runs Android Pie OS. The 3580 mAh battery is fast charging.
Nokia in Albania  - Nokia Lumia and Windows Phone
Alcatel in Albania  - - Alcatel One Touch Fire
ZTE in Albania - Blade Max, V8, V7, Axon 7, Pro - The Blade V8 includes 2 cameras and fingerprint reader. The best sound experience. High Quality Photos with the Bokeh effect.
Pixel in Albania  - made by Google models : Pixel 7 and 7 Pro. The Pixel 7 Pro display is 6.7" LTPO OLED, refresh rate of 120Hz, 3120×1440 QHD+ pixel resolution. Storage options of 128, 256, or 512 GB with internal RAM memory of 12 GB. The rear cameras are 50 MP sensor with f/1.85 lens, 12 MP ultrawide sensor with f/2.2 lens & 48 MP telephoto sensor with f/3.5 lens. The front camera is 11.1 MP sensor with f/2.2 lens and 92.8° field of view; Laser detect autofocus, optical image stabilization. The battery capacity is 5000 mAh non-removable with fast charging, wireless charging and reverse wireless charging. Uses the Google Tensor G2 processor. The operating system Android 13 OS. With Corning Gorilla Glass Victus and IP68 water and dust resistance.
Android in Albania  - - Android OS is an Operating System that runs in most smartphones. Last version is: Oxygen os 11 (android 11) and previous versions 10, Pie 9, Oreo 8, Nougat 7, Marshmallow 6, Lollipop 5, Kitkat 4.4, Ice Cream Sandwich 4, Honeycomb 3, Gingerbread 2.3, Froyo 2.2, Eclair 2, Android 1. You can update it, setup, configure, install apps and games from the Google Play Store.
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